Vista Residences OOH Ads
Vista Residences OOH Ads
The client wanted a dynamic-looking composition that would make Madison Place stand out.
I came up with this design, inspired by the many windows found throughout the building, and a desire to create something that looked open and inviting. This design is perfect for showing the client’s product from a different perspective that looks dynamic and enticing.
As for the Pine Crest flyer design, it covers almost all of the basic information needed for a low-rise building advertisement including the lifestyle shot of a resident model, location map, base unit price, contact details, website, and thumbnails of amenities and facilities. It’s an all-in-one template.
On the other hand, the roll-up banners were designed to highlight the beauty of Pine Crest, a resort-type property. The goal was to showcase the interior and exterior of the building, as well as some of the more calming and serene aspects of the property.