
Vista Residences OOH Ads

Vista Residences OOH Ads

Project details


The client wanted a dynamic-looking composition that would make Madison Place stand out.

I came up with this design, inspired by the many windows found throughout the building, and a desire to create something that looked open and inviting. This design is perfect for showing the client’s product from a different perspective that looks dynamic and enticing.

As for the Pine Crest flyer design, it covers almost all of the basic information needed for a low-rise building advertisement including the lifestyle shot of a resident model, location map, base unit price, contact details, website, and thumbnails of amenities and facilities. It’s an all-in-one template.

On the other hand, the roll-up banners were designed to highlight the beauty of Pine Crest, a resort-type property. The goal was to showcase the interior and exterior of the building, as well as some of the more calming and serene aspects of the property.


It has come to our attention that scammers are pretending to be our brand representatives, enticing unsuspecting individuals with false promises of easy money. Beware that these scammers deceptively require victims to deposit cash into a specified account as a condition to proceed. We want to underscore that this is a SCAM.